

這本《一味》寫於 1998 年,似乎隨後肯恩的出書大量減少了。長長的三段英文註解,我讀了好幾年都沒搞懂。中文書的翻譯雖然可以讓人理解,但是很多是譯者自己加詞加句的領悟,不知道肯恩會不會欣賞他這種翻法,希望他是肯恩的知音啊!


註釋 33

※澄明夢(Pellucid Dream)


※澄明深睡(Pellucid Deep Sleep)

無餘三摩地是典型的自性意識的狀態:無相、無顯現 、全然止息(空性的一種類型),它在清醒時向你指出自性領域。(無餘三摩地純熟後進入原智三摩地或稱完全無相,在某些傳統稱滅盡定,或客體的完全滅盡。)如同有餘依三摩地等同於澄明夢(pellucid dream),所以在深睡無夢中維持覺知等同於無餘三摩地。在無餘三摩地和澄明深睡(pellucid deep sleep)中,醒時Alpha波和無相Delta波同時俱在:你甚至已將意識帶入無相領域,於是從該領域解脫意識,並開放給不二。自性層一旦被超越,無餘/原智(根本智)三摩地(靈知)就會讓位給「薩哈加」(sahaja),或毫不費力、自發、恆在當下的「一味」。

為了取得相當程度的進展,並非一定要能夠澄明夢或澄明深睡,〔因為〕有餘依三摩地和無餘三摩地都可以充分地在〔白天〕清醒狀態下證得。它就是如此,當行者獲得有餘依三摩地的能力時,他們也通常開始澄明夢——正因這兩者是同等的。同樣地,完全掌握了無餘三摩地,亦經常伴隨澄明深睡。反之,尋求個人禪修及於夢境和深睡,對進入有餘依三摩地和無餘三摩地來說,是一種極為戲劇性和有效的方式,從而更容易開放給「薩哈加」(一味)。對達到微細層和自性領域的高原經驗來說,夢狀態瑜伽(Yoga of Dream State)一直是最快也最有效的方法之一,從而快速打開穩固調適與超越這些領域之門。(《一味》pp. 503-504,改譯)

Note 33
Of course, the dream state is only one of the many types of subtle-realm phenomena; the classic subtle state is savikalpa samadhi, "nondual absorption with form," which introduces one to the subtle realm while awake. The dream state is said to be a subclass of the subtle, in that there are no gross material phenomena in the dream state (only images and form). Thus, to enter the dream state consciously has always been seen as an analog of savikalpa samadhi . (As we might put it: in both there is alpha-waking and theta-dreaming present simultaneously). The effect on the evolution of consciousness is quite similar in both cases: you have to some degree objectified the subtle—consciously seen it as an object, while awake—and thus it has lost its power over you: you have transcended it, and thus can begin to move into causal development.

Nirvikalpa samadhi is the classic state of causal consciousness: formless, unmanifest, pure cessation (one type of emptiness), which introduces you to the causal domin while awake (nirvikalpa matures into jnana samadhi, or radically pure formlessness, and in some traditions, into nirodh, or the complete extinction of objects altogether). Just as savikalpa and pellucid dreaming are analogs, so maintaining awareness during deep dreamless sleep and nirvikalpa are analog. In both nirvikalpa and pellucid deep sleep, alpha-waking and delta-formlessness are present simultaneously: you have brought consciousness even into the formless realm, thus freeing consciousness from that realm, and opening it to the nondual. The causal has been transcended, and nirvikalpa/jnana (gnosis) gives way to sahaja, or effortless, spontaneous, ever-present One Taste.

In order to make a good deal of progress, one does not necessarily have to be able pellucid dream or pellucid deep sleep. Savikalpa samadhi and nirvikalpa samadhi can be adequately attained during the waking state. It is just that, when practictioners gain competency of savikalpa, they often begin to pellucid dream—precisely because those are analogs. Likewaise, a mastery of nirvikalpa is often accompanied by pellucid deep sleep. And conversely, pursuing one's meditation into the dream and deep sleep state is a dramatic and extremely effective way to enter savikalpa and nirvikalpa, and thus more easily stand open to sahaja. The Yoga of Dream State has always been held to be one of the fastest, most efficient ways of reaching a plateau experience of subtle and causal realm, thus quickly opening the door to stable adaptation at—and transcendence of—those realms. (One Taste, pp. 294-295)

註釋 33 

止念三摩地是典型的自性次元的意識狀態:無相、無聲 、完全止念(某一類型的空寂),它能讓你在白天清醒時進入自性的次元(止念三摩地純熟之後,就會進入真知三摩地或純然無相的境界,某些傳統又稱滅盡定,也就是所有客體的活動全都止息了)。具妄念三摩地等同於澄明的夢,在深睡無夢中維持覺知,則等同於止念三摩地。在止念三摩地和澄明的深睡中,阿法波和德爾塔波會同時出現:因為你已經將覺知延長到無相的次元,於是就解脫了那個次元的意識,而朝著不二的境界發展。自性的次元一旦被轉化,自然無念就會取代止念三摩地和真知三摩地,而進入毫不費力的、自發的恆在當下的「一味」境界。


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